Interview with Vladimir Liubinski:
Vladimir Liubinski is known not only as a virtuous guitarist, but also as a trail - blazer, someone who uses an unusual playing technique. Most people say that this way of playing is not a new invention and belongs to … Yes - a famous Canadian musician. In this case dilettantes might be forgiven for this sort of argument, not specialists. Liubinski plays absolutely not as Jeff Healey. The difference in technique can be easily seen on how Liubinski uses his left hand, with a little slider in it, moreover, his right hand, when he plays without a pick following a “nail” method of making sound.
When and how did you start to play the guitar in such a strange manner?
Quite a lot of people are making jokes of my standard history about the style of playing the guitar: saying, everything happened accidentally: I was sitting through the interview, put the guitar on my knees, tried to play- the experiment was so enchanting, so carrying away, that I have been playing like that since then. And it is really so, and to be more precise, a manager was visiting the musicians of the band “Duhi” to talk about a new record release. A lot of details were supposed to be solved: materials, lyrics, records, arrangements, cover and so on. The interview was very long. My task was to accompany the vocalist in this or that melody, and the discussion was going on. In the long run my role in the discussion was quite unclear and fade. I was invited or dropped out of it time after time. And it took almost six hours of endless talking. To somehow get through that situation where no leaving, no playing were required- I started making up some melodies with a volume switched off and with a guitar on the knees. That was a breaking point of my musical style. First I played with four fingers of my left hand, then I added the fifth, and while with my right hand I always followed a “picking” technique. This style is like terra incognito to me, and I try as hard as I can to develop and to discover it.
You used to play the”Fender Stratocaster”, now you have a different instrument. Would you mind telling us something interesting about this guitar?
This instrument is ordered and hand made. Volodia Melun in Minsk made it. The guitar is created especially for my taste, and embodies all of my ambitions. It implies a huge number of constructive innovations, which are not used anywhere at present time. Particularly leaned frets, double bridge, four sensors, a scheme of their connection especially crafted by Melun and many more.
Can it still be possible to invent for this instrument?
It is, just because every experienced musician knows the problems with a tune. Due to this the angle of the frets and their shape are reformed. The advantages and disadvantages of the left hand playing “from above” also require definite changes in a construction of an instrument. The strings are put farther from the riff. When they are higher than normal, they don't allow fingers to slip during a fast playing. Moreover, harsh strings are supposed to be used. But such picture ruins the tune. A tuner performs the tune as if “being twisted”. We tried to solve this problem experimenting on frets and bridges. The electric scheme of any guitar is not ideal. In some positions of the switchh, a musician meets with noises. That's why I gave Volodia real tasks connecting with a clear sound, and what really filled my heart with joy – he managed to solve them.
What does it feel like being a leader of the “Blues Street”?
I had never been a leader before the creation of the Blues street Friends. I might take the lead in different projects. Now, being a leader I a see how much time this position takes. I don't participate anywhere beside this project, except maybe sometimes little playing with my friends With all pleasure I would like to say that this project is mine. It started in Petersburg with Petersburg musicians, and on my return to Minsk revived in a new band with a new line-up. The group can be invited to festivals, concerts, parties, banquets …
Yuriy Nesterenko